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The ethics of intervening

Thursday 20 April, 2023
by Anonymous

a hand stopping a row of dominoes from falling.

You are a Finance Manager involved in the modelling of a new remuneration scheme for member facing sales/distribution teams.

As part of the modelling activity you have identified that there is potential for the preferred remuneration scheme to be gamed to optimise bonus payments that may be contrary to the overall objectives of the company, however, the champion of the preferred remuneration scheme is your managers manager and is influential in your performance review/career progression.

What do you do?

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Photo by ammar sabaa on Unsplash


There are 2 comments for The ethics of intervening.

Re: The ethics of intervening

Thursday 20 April, 2023
by Sheridan
Suggest that the success of the person should be based on how the person meets the firms goals not simply in terms of revenue. They have to demonstrate how they achieved the outcome and the value of the impact for the client.
Revenue will follow when clients interests are at the forefront.
Point out that such an approach is the right approach and if they prefer the approach that can be gamed you don’t want to work there.

Re: The ethics of intervening

Monday 24 April, 2023
by IanS
Speak up, regardless of the potential negative effect on your career. If you don't you compromise all your ethical morals. Staying quiet means you are complicit in the negative scheme.

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