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Articles & Dilemmas


Why did risk management fail at Credit Suisse?

28 Sep 21
by Rhizome Advisory Group
Culture is a fundamental area that still requires greater focus, especially if businesses want to be successful in delivering for their customers and other stakeholders. Boards should be taking proactive steps to require further uplifts in capabilities to assess and address cultural characteristics that do not support the effective management of risks. Regulators continue to look for evidenced understanding of root cause, including cultural factors, in issues and incidents. In this article, Rhizome takes a closer look at why risk management failed at Credit Suisse. From culture, the three lines of defence and accountability, they pose the very valid questions: How and why was the voice of risk once again weakened? 

The ethics of bonuses

21 Sep 21
by 2021 BFSO Young Ambassador
You’re an investment operations analyst working in a large bank. You notice that one of the FX traders is placing very large bets...

The ethics of accepting credit for others work

15 Sep 21
by BFSO 2021 Young Ambassador
You’re a member of a high performing team in a financial services company. The team is made up of 10 staff and three project managers (one of whom is Mary). The three project managers report to the Head of Projects.
Pic of woman lying in field

The ethics of productivity and culture

07 Sep 21
by 2021 BFSO Young Ambassador
You’re the CEO of a large organisation. A large portion of your workforce has shifted to working from home during the COVID pandemic. During this, you’ve gained some great efficiencies, but equally you’ve heard reports of employees who have been doing things other than work during work hours...

The ethics of choice

02 Sep 21
by Anonymous
You’ve been working for six years in a retail bank in the same role with limited career progression. Realising your career growth is limited in this role, you recently applied for a role with a different organisation that will see you take a significant leap in your career, and higher salary. You were so excited at the new prospect you signed the contract last week....

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.