For Young Professionals

Elle Griffin

Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts in Advanced French Studies from the University of New South Wales; Certificate of French and European Union Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas

Photo of Young Ambassador Elle Griffin
2020 Young Ambassador Elle Griffin, Graduate, CBA

I chose to join the financial services industry to make a difference. The Hayne Royal Commission demonstrated just how integral financial services is to the wellbeing of the community and how terrible the consequences can be for people when things go wrong. By taking on a regulatory affairs role at CBA (Global Regulatory Affairs is responsible for maintaining effective regulatory relationships with CBA’s various domestic and international regulators), I’m dedicated to driving better customer outcomes through a proactive approach to managing risk.

As a Young Ambassador, I hope to encourage more of my colleagues and young industry peers to take The Banking and Financial Services Oath. I also hope to connect with the other Young Ambassadors to spur an industry-wide conversation on how to sustain the post-Hayne emphasis on the importance of professionalism in financial services that is grounded in ethics and community trust.

In a post-Hayne world, I hope to see institutions continue to prioritise the management non-financial risk and to put the right outcomes for customers at the heart of every decision. 

The Oath

  • Trust is the foundation of my profession.
  • I will serve all interests in good faith.
  • I will compete with honour.
  • I will pursue my ends with ethical restraint.
  • I will help create a sustainable future.
  • I will help create a more just society.
  • I will speak out against wrongdoing and support others who do the same.
  • I will accept responsibility for my actions.
  • In these and all other matters;
    My word is my bond.